Okay, so let's clear a few things up right from the get-go; to be a Parapsychologist does not mean that one is a psychic, nor does it refer to an entertainer, astrologer, magician, etc. It simply refers to a person, (Scientist, Scholar, etc.) that has devoted him or herself to the serious study of paranormal phenomena.
Also, it is important to note that here in the United States, Parapsychology is not a recognized field of study, and to my knowledge there is no current accreditation available at any true university. Therefore, it is a matter of personal interpretation for one to refer to him or herself as a Parapsychologist, and whether or not this is the case is to be considered highly subjective.
I get asked all the time how one can begin a career in Parapsychology. So let me stress this fact; it is nearly impossible for one to get a “job” in Parapsychology. In fact, most people who dedicate much time to the study and research of Paranormal Phenomena do so with little reward and at great personal expense.
At FindersCreepers, we will follow up on any report of unexplained activity including Bigfoot, UFO's, Vampires, witchcraft and the like, these things are not considered to be a part of our Parapsychological studies. So what do we study that we consider to be a true Parapsychological phenomena? That would include such things as Bio-PK, Clairvoyance, ESP, hauntings, out-of-body experiences, reincarnation, poltergeists, precognition, Psi, psychokinesis, psychometry, telepathy, etc. In other words, it would cover anything that has to with our pschological human mind that is unexpainable thru science.
According to most scientists, the human consciousness is nothing more then a bi-product of our brain, body and nervous system. They believe that our emotions, thoughts, intellect, temperament, etc., are nothing more then the result of the electrochemical functioning of these three systems, and therefore, the vast majority of them consider those of us who do believe in a human “soul” as being unintellectual and nonsensical.
We at FindersCreepers strongly believe in our research and our evidence. We believe that there are many things in life that we, as a human race, have no knowledge of. There is much more out there for us to learn, and some things we will probably never know. That being said, we will continue to stand strong on our beliefs that there is a human Spirit deep within each and every one of us. We believe that when our human body dies, our "soul", (aka: Spirit, energy, etc.), leaves our body and in many, if not all cases remains intact. We have reason to feel that when this happens, we will retain our personality, memories, feelings, temperament, etc.
We may never find undisputed scientific proof to substantiate our beliefs, but we will continue to explore that age old question; is there a life-force in all of us that is independent of our physical body... and will we continue to exist after our flesh dies.
Tim Doyon, Founder of FindersCreepers