Friday the 13th is not just another day to the approximately 7-9 out of every 100 people around the world that are unfortunate enough to suffer from a condition called paraskevidekatriaphobia: the fear of Friday the 13th. Superstitions of this unlucky day go back to the beginnings of documented time, and even though there is very little evidence to support that there are any genuine threats awaiting us all during this frightful time, there are indeed some interesting facts surrounding the myth.
So I present to you, 13 Interesting Facts about Friday the 13th.
1. There were 13 people including Jesus at the Last Supper. The 13th person to arrive was Judas. Judas was the Apostle that went on to betray Jesus, and although it is subject to interpretation; many Christians believe that Jesus was Crucified on a Friday.
2. Butch Cassidy, the notorious American train and bank robber was born on Friday, April 13th, 1866.
3. Fidel Castro was born on Friday, August 13th, 1926.
4. As many as 21 million Americans will change their behavior on Friday the 13th resulting in millions of lost dollars to the economy, time lost at work, etc.
5. During the filming of “Friday the 13th,” The actress Laurie Bartram, (Brenda in the movie) had a cat that was regrettably killed by roach poison after being left in the attendance of a crew member.
6. Daredevil and stuntman, Sam Patch died on Friday, November 13th, 1829 after attempting a 125-foot jump into the Genesee River.
7. An earthquake occurred in Turkey, killing 2,000 people on Friday, March 13th, 1992.
8. The Knights Templar were a religious military order from Jerusalem in 1118 C.E. They were sworn to protect the Christian Pilgrims during the Crusades, but because of their great power and wealth, Kink Philip became threatened and had them all arrested, tortured and executed... all on Friday, October the 13th, 1307.
9. According to Legend, the British government sought to disprove the myths surrounding Friday the 13th, so they commissioned a ship called the H.M.S. Friday and embarked it on its first mission; on Friday the 13th.... and it was never seen again.
10. Tupac Shakur was killed in Las Vegas on Friday the 13th.
11. Hubert H. Humphrey, the 38th Vice President of the United States died on Friday, January 13th, 1978.
12. On July 13, 1951, flood-waters crested in parts of Kansas during the “Great Flood” that ravaged more than 2,000,000 acres of land and caused over three-quarters of a billion dollars in damage.
13. On April 13, 2029, astronomers have predicted that an asteroid, (2004 MN4), will come in very close proximity to the earth... possibly close enough to cause a great catastrophe to our planet.
Now if you are wondering what I really believe about this popular urban legend, let me tell you. I believe that it is just a myth. I gave you a list of 13 tragic events surrounding Friday the 13th. I could just as easily produce such a list about any other date. I could also produce a list of all the wonderful things that have happened on this date. I think that what we have here is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you think bad things will happen, they probably will. If you don't go to work due to the fact that you are worried about something bad happening, and you lose your job, you can't blame it on the date... it is because you didn't go to work. So keep your chin up, try not to stress about it, and the next time a Friday the 13th rolls around; try to have yourself a wonderful, happy and productive day!
Tim Doyon, Founder of FindersCreepers
Paranormal Research and Haunting Investigations
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Night Vision Phenomena that Plague the Paranormal Investigator
Night Vision Phenomena that Plague the Paranormal Investigator
Anyone who has ever been on an investigation with me has heard me talk about the problems paranormal investigators face when dealing with our vision in the total darkness. After the lights go out and the investigation begins, we may perceive lights that flicker or disappear, faint glows that slowly fade in and out, lights that dance around in front of us, or appear to move in so close we feel we could touch them, but when we reach out, nothing is there. If unaware of the problems our eyes confront when trying to process information in an unlit environment, we may assume that we are experiencing something paranormal, when in fact, the perceived phenomenon may be due to the way our eyes function naturally in the darkness.
My name is Tim Doyon, and I am a Paranormal Investigator. I maintain a certification in Parapsychology and am the founder of a Paranormal Research team called FindersCreepers, ( I have experienced enough throughout the years to feel totally comfortable in saying that I sincerely believe in life after death, and in no way am I suggesting that what we see in the darkness is not paranormal. I am simply proposing that everyone who does work at night, (e.g. Pilots, Astronauts, the Military, Paranormal Investigators, etc.) needs to be aware of their own physical limitations so that we can be wholly prepared for what may come our way. I am not a Doctor or Scientist, so please take what I say in that light. I am speaking from my own experience, previous military training and personal studies. That being said, let me begin:
Lights that Flicker or Completely Disappear
This can be caused by the natural physical anatomy of our eyes which leads to a condition called Averted Vision. The human retina contains two types of light-detecting cells: cones and rods. The cones support daylight and color vision, whereas the rods are used for low-light conditions. In the human eye there are roughly 5-7 million cones and 100-130 million rods. The cones inhabit a small spot centrally located on the retina called the fovea, whereas the rods surround the cones and cover a much greater area called the macula. Because of this natural condition, it is nearly impossible for us to pick up small faint lights in the darkness while looking directly at them. As Paranormal Investigators, we are in very dark places routinely during our investigations. If you see a light in your peripheral vision that disappears when you look directly at it, try not to jump to conclusions. Attempt to look at it again, but this time, don't stare at it; instead, look 15 to 20 degrees to the side of the object. If it reappears, look directly at it again; if once again it vanishes, then it is more then likely that you are experiencing averted vision.
Faint Glowing Shapes that Slowly Fade Away
If you have ever had a faint glow appear before your eyes, only to fade out a short time later, you may have actually witnessed the apparition of a ghost as it was trying to manifest itself in front of you. Another possibility is that you were experiencing what we call an After-Image. An after-image is an image that is retained by the brain even after looking away from the object. Let me give you an example by showing you a very popular optical illusion. It is called the Yorick's Skull Illusion and it is based solely on the eye's natural tendency to produce an after-image. If you've never seen this illusion before, give it a shot; I'm sure you'll be amazed!
You'll notice that the color of the after-image is the complement of the color of the object being viewed. Therefore, white will appear as black, black as white, etc.
So how does after-imaging effect the Paranormal Investigator? Well, if you are in the dark and somebody illuminates their flashlight, and that light focuses on a wall or another object, and you look at it, even for just a moment; it is possible that you will see the after-image of that light appear before your eyes a short time later. So, how do you know if it is an after-image you are experiencing, and not the real thing? Try looking at a different area of the room and blink. If it shows up again, always in front of your face, then you are more then likely seeing an after-image, and not something supernatural. If that's the case, just close your eyes tight and give them a moment to relax. You might try pressing the palms of your hands tightly against them for a moment. In no time at all, the image will fade and you can get back to the task at hand.
Lights that Appear Much Closer Then They Really Are
The problem with processing information in the dark is that we have no visual clues to compare against the object we are seeing. In other words, when we look at an object, the human eye relies on surrounding objects to determine it's size. I'll give you another optical illusion to use as an example.
In the following illustration, you can see some railroad tracks extending towards the horizon. There are also two moons in the image; a huge one on the horizon and a tiny one closer to you - well, that's the illusion anyways. Actually, the two moons are the exact same size. It is the visual references provided by the railroad tracks that help our brain to determine, (accurately or not) the true size of the moons.
The effect is so strong that even when we know they are the same size, it is still difficult to see them as such.
When the Paranormal Investigator is sitting in the dark and see's an orb or other type of faint light in the area, he or she will begin to try to make sense of the object. If unable to view any other visual references to compare the object to, he/she may become convinced that the object is larger or smaller then it actually is. With that information, the investigator may also confuse the actual distance of the object. The larger the room we are in, the more extreme the phenomenon may be. Even the faint light of a cigarette at the end of a tunnel may appear to the investigator as a small red light levitating directly in front of our faces.
Dancing Lights
Have you ever been sitting in a room so dark you couldn't see your hand in front of your face, and the led from your K-II meter suddenly begins to dance around in front of you? If so, you may have fallen victim to what is referred to as the Autokinetic Effect. The autokinetic effect is the illusion of perceived movement exhibited by a still dim light when it is stared at in the dark. Although the exact cause of the illusion is not known, it is believed to be the result of small movements of the eyeball itself along with the loss of the adjacent references which normally stabilize the visual perception. The autokinetic effect can be reduced by maintaining good visual scanning techniques rather than staring at the light source, or by increasing the intensity of the lights, if at all possible.
The Point of All This
There are many more types of phenomena that we as Paranormal Investigators may experience as our brains try to decipher the information presented to it at night. With few or no visual clues to go by, it is very hard to distinguish the size, distance, movement, etc. of many of the things that appear before us. So, what can we do to help stop, or at least reduce these problems before they take place?
Dark Adaptation
First, we should do everything we possibly can to keep our eyes adjusted to the dark. Within 15-20 minutes of being exposed to total darkness, chemical changes begin to take place in the retina of our eyes that increase our ability to see faint objects. Once adjusted, we are able to regain some of the visual references our brain needs to properly process some of the other things that may come into our view.
This adaptation can be negated immediately by any sudden exposure of light, whether it be from a camera flash, flashlights, etc., so it is very important that we consider using lights only when absolutely necessary, and even then, we should use dim lights as apposed to bright ones. Although it is a subject of controversy, we should also consider the use of only red-filtered flashlights and other lighting during our investigations to help maintain our vision in the dark.
While on-board a ship in the U.S. Navy, we had many traditions that were followed without exception. One was Taps. At dusk every night, it came across the loudspeakers, "taps, taps, lights out, all hands turn into your bunks, maintain silence about the decks, now taps..." At that time, all the ships lights were extinguished and only red-filtered lights illuminated the interior of the ship. This was in an effort to help us all find our way around the ship while still maintaining our night vision. If it works for the Navy, then I have every reason to believe that it would work for us too.
A few ideas that we might all be able to use:
Consider only very dim illumination of the site during investigations to maintain visual acuity in the dark,
Consider using only dimly lit red filtered flashlights throughout investigations,
Have all members adapt themselves to the darkness for at least 15-20 minutes prior to the beginning of any investigation,
Avoid bright lights if at all possible, if a photo is being taken, be sure to advice all team members so they have time to close their eyes tightly beforehand,
Utilize night vision cameras with good IR lighting whenever possible/practical,
Try not to stare directly at objects, but rather you should scan and/or look 15-20 degrees to the side of any visual targets,
Regularly wear good-quality sunglasses on sunny days, especially on days of night investigations,
Eat an adequate diet that includes vitamin A,
Avoid Smoking – Cigarette smoking has been shown to diminish oxygen levels in the blood and therefore has a negative effect on ones ability to see in the dark,
During the drive to the investigation site, keep your instrument panel lights as dim as possible while still maintaining your ability to drive safely,
If you are exposed to a bright light after you have adjusted for the darkness, place both hands over your tightly closed eyes and press firmly for a moment. This may help you readjust to the darkness a little quicker then normal.
The most important reason I wanted to write this article was to help, not only my own team, but other paranormal investigators as well to understand the visual impairments we are dealing with as we try to conduct our research in the dark. With understanding, we are better able to debunk that which can be debunked and therefore give credibility to that which cannot.
The information and suggestions I provided are not a conclusive list, but I hope it helps... even if just a little.
Take care my friends and happy hunting!
Tim Doyon, Founder of FindersCreepers
Anyone who has ever been on an investigation with me has heard me talk about the problems paranormal investigators face when dealing with our vision in the total darkness. After the lights go out and the investigation begins, we may perceive lights that flicker or disappear, faint glows that slowly fade in and out, lights that dance around in front of us, or appear to move in so close we feel we could touch them, but when we reach out, nothing is there. If unaware of the problems our eyes confront when trying to process information in an unlit environment, we may assume that we are experiencing something paranormal, when in fact, the perceived phenomenon may be due to the way our eyes function naturally in the darkness.
My name is Tim Doyon, and I am a Paranormal Investigator. I maintain a certification in Parapsychology and am the founder of a Paranormal Research team called FindersCreepers, ( I have experienced enough throughout the years to feel totally comfortable in saying that I sincerely believe in life after death, and in no way am I suggesting that what we see in the darkness is not paranormal. I am simply proposing that everyone who does work at night, (e.g. Pilots, Astronauts, the Military, Paranormal Investigators, etc.) needs to be aware of their own physical limitations so that we can be wholly prepared for what may come our way. I am not a Doctor or Scientist, so please take what I say in that light. I am speaking from my own experience, previous military training and personal studies. That being said, let me begin:
Lights that Flicker or Completely Disappear
This can be caused by the natural physical anatomy of our eyes which leads to a condition called Averted Vision. The human retina contains two types of light-detecting cells: cones and rods. The cones support daylight and color vision, whereas the rods are used for low-light conditions. In the human eye there are roughly 5-7 million cones and 100-130 million rods. The cones inhabit a small spot centrally located on the retina called the fovea, whereas the rods surround the cones and cover a much greater area called the macula. Because of this natural condition, it is nearly impossible for us to pick up small faint lights in the darkness while looking directly at them. As Paranormal Investigators, we are in very dark places routinely during our investigations. If you see a light in your peripheral vision that disappears when you look directly at it, try not to jump to conclusions. Attempt to look at it again, but this time, don't stare at it; instead, look 15 to 20 degrees to the side of the object. If it reappears, look directly at it again; if once again it vanishes, then it is more then likely that you are experiencing averted vision.
Faint Glowing Shapes that Slowly Fade Away
If you have ever had a faint glow appear before your eyes, only to fade out a short time later, you may have actually witnessed the apparition of a ghost as it was trying to manifest itself in front of you. Another possibility is that you were experiencing what we call an After-Image. An after-image is an image that is retained by the brain even after looking away from the object. Let me give you an example by showing you a very popular optical illusion. It is called the Yorick's Skull Illusion and it is based solely on the eye's natural tendency to produce an after-image. If you've never seen this illusion before, give it a shot; I'm sure you'll be amazed!
You'll notice that the color of the after-image is the complement of the color of the object being viewed. Therefore, white will appear as black, black as white, etc.
So how does after-imaging effect the Paranormal Investigator? Well, if you are in the dark and somebody illuminates their flashlight, and that light focuses on a wall or another object, and you look at it, even for just a moment; it is possible that you will see the after-image of that light appear before your eyes a short time later. So, how do you know if it is an after-image you are experiencing, and not the real thing? Try looking at a different area of the room and blink. If it shows up again, always in front of your face, then you are more then likely seeing an after-image, and not something supernatural. If that's the case, just close your eyes tight and give them a moment to relax. You might try pressing the palms of your hands tightly against them for a moment. In no time at all, the image will fade and you can get back to the task at hand.
Lights that Appear Much Closer Then They Really Are
The problem with processing information in the dark is that we have no visual clues to compare against the object we are seeing. In other words, when we look at an object, the human eye relies on surrounding objects to determine it's size. I'll give you another optical illusion to use as an example.
In the following illustration, you can see some railroad tracks extending towards the horizon. There are also two moons in the image; a huge one on the horizon and a tiny one closer to you - well, that's the illusion anyways. Actually, the two moons are the exact same size. It is the visual references provided by the railroad tracks that help our brain to determine, (accurately or not) the true size of the moons.
The effect is so strong that even when we know they are the same size, it is still difficult to see them as such.
When the Paranormal Investigator is sitting in the dark and see's an orb or other type of faint light in the area, he or she will begin to try to make sense of the object. If unable to view any other visual references to compare the object to, he/she may become convinced that the object is larger or smaller then it actually is. With that information, the investigator may also confuse the actual distance of the object. The larger the room we are in, the more extreme the phenomenon may be. Even the faint light of a cigarette at the end of a tunnel may appear to the investigator as a small red light levitating directly in front of our faces.
Dancing Lights
Have you ever been sitting in a room so dark you couldn't see your hand in front of your face, and the led from your K-II meter suddenly begins to dance around in front of you? If so, you may have fallen victim to what is referred to as the Autokinetic Effect. The autokinetic effect is the illusion of perceived movement exhibited by a still dim light when it is stared at in the dark. Although the exact cause of the illusion is not known, it is believed to be the result of small movements of the eyeball itself along with the loss of the adjacent references which normally stabilize the visual perception. The autokinetic effect can be reduced by maintaining good visual scanning techniques rather than staring at the light source, or by increasing the intensity of the lights, if at all possible.
The Point of All This
There are many more types of phenomena that we as Paranormal Investigators may experience as our brains try to decipher the information presented to it at night. With few or no visual clues to go by, it is very hard to distinguish the size, distance, movement, etc. of many of the things that appear before us. So, what can we do to help stop, or at least reduce these problems before they take place?
Dark Adaptation
First, we should do everything we possibly can to keep our eyes adjusted to the dark. Within 15-20 minutes of being exposed to total darkness, chemical changes begin to take place in the retina of our eyes that increase our ability to see faint objects. Once adjusted, we are able to regain some of the visual references our brain needs to properly process some of the other things that may come into our view.
This adaptation can be negated immediately by any sudden exposure of light, whether it be from a camera flash, flashlights, etc., so it is very important that we consider using lights only when absolutely necessary, and even then, we should use dim lights as apposed to bright ones. Although it is a subject of controversy, we should also consider the use of only red-filtered flashlights and other lighting during our investigations to help maintain our vision in the dark.
While on-board a ship in the U.S. Navy, we had many traditions that were followed without exception. One was Taps. At dusk every night, it came across the loudspeakers, "taps, taps, lights out, all hands turn into your bunks, maintain silence about the decks, now taps..." At that time, all the ships lights were extinguished and only red-filtered lights illuminated the interior of the ship. This was in an effort to help us all find our way around the ship while still maintaining our night vision. If it works for the Navy, then I have every reason to believe that it would work for us too.
A few ideas that we might all be able to use:
Consider only very dim illumination of the site during investigations to maintain visual acuity in the dark,
Consider using only dimly lit red filtered flashlights throughout investigations,
Have all members adapt themselves to the darkness for at least 15-20 minutes prior to the beginning of any investigation,
Avoid bright lights if at all possible, if a photo is being taken, be sure to advice all team members so they have time to close their eyes tightly beforehand,
Utilize night vision cameras with good IR lighting whenever possible/practical,
Try not to stare directly at objects, but rather you should scan and/or look 15-20 degrees to the side of any visual targets,
Regularly wear good-quality sunglasses on sunny days, especially on days of night investigations,
Eat an adequate diet that includes vitamin A,
Avoid Smoking – Cigarette smoking has been shown to diminish oxygen levels in the blood and therefore has a negative effect on ones ability to see in the dark,
During the drive to the investigation site, keep your instrument panel lights as dim as possible while still maintaining your ability to drive safely,
If you are exposed to a bright light after you have adjusted for the darkness, place both hands over your tightly closed eyes and press firmly for a moment. This may help you readjust to the darkness a little quicker then normal.
The most important reason I wanted to write this article was to help, not only my own team, but other paranormal investigators as well to understand the visual impairments we are dealing with as we try to conduct our research in the dark. With understanding, we are better able to debunk that which can be debunked and therefore give credibility to that which cannot.
The information and suggestions I provided are not a conclusive list, but I hope it helps... even if just a little.
Take care my friends and happy hunting!
Tim Doyon, Founder of FindersCreepers
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Psychometry vs. Dermo-Optics
When discussing parapsychology, I often get asked about the differences between psychometry and dermo-optics, and I have come to realize that there exists a bit of confusion between the two. Although both abilities utilize the sense of touch, the similarities pretty much stop there. Let me explain as simply as I can.
As an example; if you have ever witnessed a Psychic on television handling an object, (such as an article of clothing, etc.) involved in a missing persons case, and he/she by touch alone was able to describe the events that surrounded the object, possibly with enough detail that they were able to help lead the police to the person they were looking for; then you were witnessing the Psychic as he/she demonstrated Psychoscopy; or Psychometric ability.
By definition, psychometry, (which comes from the Greek words “psyche”: meaning soul or mind, and “metron”: meaning to measure) is defined as the ability to read the character, surroundings or influences of a person or object, by the sense of touch alone. Or, one might simply refer to it as the “measuring of the soul.”
In theory, it is believed that whenever an object is handled by a person, intangible traces of the contact are left behind. This seems to be especially true when there are extreme emotional feelings taking place during the time of the contact. Paragnosts (people with paranormal knowledge), are seemingly able to hone in on those feelings and in some cases are able to “see” the events that took place at the time the object was “imprinted.”
Dermo-Optical Perception (D.O.P., Dermo-Optics, Dermal Optics)
Dermo-Optics joins the words, “dermo”: referring to the skin, and “optics”: revering to vision, therefore it is literally known as “Skin Vision”.
People with dermo-optic perception are seemingly able to see colors, read printed materials, view photographs, etc. not with the use of their physical eyes, but with the use of their skin alone. In other words, they can literally “see” with the surface of their skin.
It is believed that the first cases of D.O.P. were discovered near the turn of the century, however, it was in the 1920's that Jules Romaines, a French novelist was successfully able to demonstrate through experimental research that there were certain individuals who could actually read newspapers despite the fact that they were completely blindfolded. Later in 1962, a Russian woman named Rosa Kuleshova was also discovered with the dermal-optic ability to read printed materials, accurately describe photographs (even through glass) and the like; again, all while completely blindfolded.
So as you can see, there is a stark contrast between psychometry and dermo-optics. One, (psychometry) is the psychic ability to see the events surrounding an object through the use of touch alone; and the other, (dermo-optics) is the ability to actually “see” the object by simply touching it with the surface of the skin.
Tim Doyon, Founder of FindersCreepers
When discussing parapsychology, I often get asked about the differences between psychometry and dermo-optics, and I have come to realize that there exists a bit of confusion between the two. Although both abilities utilize the sense of touch, the similarities pretty much stop there. Let me explain as simply as I can.
As an example; if you have ever witnessed a Psychic on television handling an object, (such as an article of clothing, etc.) involved in a missing persons case, and he/she by touch alone was able to describe the events that surrounded the object, possibly with enough detail that they were able to help lead the police to the person they were looking for; then you were witnessing the Psychic as he/she demonstrated Psychoscopy; or Psychometric ability.
By definition, psychometry, (which comes from the Greek words “psyche”: meaning soul or mind, and “metron”: meaning to measure) is defined as the ability to read the character, surroundings or influences of a person or object, by the sense of touch alone. Or, one might simply refer to it as the “measuring of the soul.”
In theory, it is believed that whenever an object is handled by a person, intangible traces of the contact are left behind. This seems to be especially true when there are extreme emotional feelings taking place during the time of the contact. Paragnosts (people with paranormal knowledge), are seemingly able to hone in on those feelings and in some cases are able to “see” the events that took place at the time the object was “imprinted.”
Dermo-Optical Perception (D.O.P., Dermo-Optics, Dermal Optics)
Dermo-Optics joins the words, “dermo”: referring to the skin, and “optics”: revering to vision, therefore it is literally known as “Skin Vision”.
People with dermo-optic perception are seemingly able to see colors, read printed materials, view photographs, etc. not with the use of their physical eyes, but with the use of their skin alone. In other words, they can literally “see” with the surface of their skin.
It is believed that the first cases of D.O.P. were discovered near the turn of the century, however, it was in the 1920's that Jules Romaines, a French novelist was successfully able to demonstrate through experimental research that there were certain individuals who could actually read newspapers despite the fact that they were completely blindfolded. Later in 1962, a Russian woman named Rosa Kuleshova was also discovered with the dermal-optic ability to read printed materials, accurately describe photographs (even through glass) and the like; again, all while completely blindfolded.
So as you can see, there is a stark contrast between psychometry and dermo-optics. One, (psychometry) is the psychic ability to see the events surrounding an object through the use of touch alone; and the other, (dermo-optics) is the ability to actually “see” the object by simply touching it with the surface of the skin.
Tim Doyon, Founder of FindersCreepers
All writings by Tim Doyon are owned by himself and are not to be used without his prior written consent. When consent is given, they must refer to Tim Doyon as the original author and maintain a link back to his website at
Saturday, June 26, 2010
My thoughts on Parapsychology
Okay, so let's clear a few things up right from the get-go; to be a Parapsychologist does not mean that one is a psychic, nor does it refer to an entertainer, astrologer, magician, etc. It simply refers to a person, (Scientist, Scholar, etc.) that has devoted him or herself to the serious study of paranormal phenomena.
Also, it is important to note that here in the United States, Parapsychology is not a recognized field of study, and to my knowledge there is no current accreditation available at any true university. Therefore, it is a matter of personal interpretation for one to refer to him or herself as a Parapsychologist, and whether or not this is the case is to be considered highly subjective.
I get asked all the time how one can begin a career in Parapsychology. So let me stress this fact; it is nearly impossible for one to get a “job” in Parapsychology. In fact, most people who dedicate much time to the study and research of Paranormal Phenomena do so with little reward and at great personal expense.
At FindersCreepers, we will follow up on any report of unexplained activity including Bigfoot, UFO's, Vampires, witchcraft and the like, these things are not considered to be a part of our Parapsychological studies. So what do we study that we consider to be a true Parapsychological phenomena? That would include such things as Bio-PK, Clairvoyance, ESP, hauntings, out-of-body experiences, reincarnation, poltergeists, precognition, Psi, psychokinesis, psychometry, telepathy, etc. In other words, it would cover anything that has to with our pschological human mind that is unexpainable thru science.
According to most scientists, the human consciousness is nothing more then a bi-product of our brain, body and nervous system. They believe that our emotions, thoughts, intellect, temperament, etc., are nothing more then the result of the electrochemical functioning of these three systems, and therefore, the vast majority of them consider those of us who do believe in a human “soul” as being unintellectual and nonsensical.
We at FindersCreepers strongly believe in our research and our evidence. We believe that there are many things in life that we, as a human race, have no knowledge of. There is much more out there for us to learn, and some things we will probably never know. That being said, we will continue to stand strong on our beliefs that there is a human Spirit deep within each and every one of us. We believe that when our human body dies, our "soul", (aka: Spirit, energy, etc.), leaves our body and in many, if not all cases remains intact. We have reason to feel that when this happens, we will retain our personality, memories, feelings, temperament, etc.
We may never find undisputed scientific proof to substantiate our beliefs, but we will continue to explore that age old question; is there a life-force in all of us that is independent of our physical body... and will we continue to exist after our flesh dies.
Tim Doyon, Founder of FindersCreepers
Also, it is important to note that here in the United States, Parapsychology is not a recognized field of study, and to my knowledge there is no current accreditation available at any true university. Therefore, it is a matter of personal interpretation for one to refer to him or herself as a Parapsychologist, and whether or not this is the case is to be considered highly subjective.
I get asked all the time how one can begin a career in Parapsychology. So let me stress this fact; it is nearly impossible for one to get a “job” in Parapsychology. In fact, most people who dedicate much time to the study and research of Paranormal Phenomena do so with little reward and at great personal expense.
At FindersCreepers, we will follow up on any report of unexplained activity including Bigfoot, UFO's, Vampires, witchcraft and the like, these things are not considered to be a part of our Parapsychological studies. So what do we study that we consider to be a true Parapsychological phenomena? That would include such things as Bio-PK, Clairvoyance, ESP, hauntings, out-of-body experiences, reincarnation, poltergeists, precognition, Psi, psychokinesis, psychometry, telepathy, etc. In other words, it would cover anything that has to with our pschological human mind that is unexpainable thru science.
According to most scientists, the human consciousness is nothing more then a bi-product of our brain, body and nervous system. They believe that our emotions, thoughts, intellect, temperament, etc., are nothing more then the result of the electrochemical functioning of these three systems, and therefore, the vast majority of them consider those of us who do believe in a human “soul” as being unintellectual and nonsensical.
We at FindersCreepers strongly believe in our research and our evidence. We believe that there are many things in life that we, as a human race, have no knowledge of. There is much more out there for us to learn, and some things we will probably never know. That being said, we will continue to stand strong on our beliefs that there is a human Spirit deep within each and every one of us. We believe that when our human body dies, our "soul", (aka: Spirit, energy, etc.), leaves our body and in many, if not all cases remains intact. We have reason to feel that when this happens, we will retain our personality, memories, feelings, temperament, etc.
We may never find undisputed scientific proof to substantiate our beliefs, but we will continue to explore that age old question; is there a life-force in all of us that is independent of our physical body... and will we continue to exist after our flesh dies.
Tim Doyon, Founder of FindersCreepers
tim doyon
Monday, March 22, 2010
Pendulum Dowsing for Beginners
Pendulum Dowsing for Beginners
My introduction to the use of a pendulum came to me a bit differently then most. It was when I was very young and just beginning my journey into the art of magic - not magic in the witchcraft sense, but magic and illusion. As a child, every birthday or Christmas would bring me a new magic set and believe me, I tried to perform nearly every trick ever described. I read every book I could find about Houdini, Harry Blackstone, Mark Wilson, Bill Bixby and countless other magicians of that era. Somewhere in one of those books, I found a description of a magic trick involving the use of a pendulum. It said to tie a ring onto a thread and while holding it as a hypnotist would, think of a man. The ring would swing back and forth. Think of a woman and it would swing in a circular motion. I tried it... and it worked. To this day, it is the only magic trick I know... in which I do not know the secret. All I know is that it works, and I have done the trick many many times over the years and it has always done exactly as I expected it would. I don't even have to hold the thread. I can hand it to my spectator and ask them to think of a man or a woman, and I can tell them which of the two they are thinking simply by watching the motion of the string.
As I became interested in the paranormal and started my studies in Parapsychology, I found that dowsing could be used for a lot more then just the Male/Female trick. I learned that there was a history to the use of pendulums that was long and vast. Stories of Dowsers finding everything from water to people date all the way back to the era of the ancient Egyptians, and possibly even as far back as the Biblical days where it is written that Aaron had produced water from stone. In Parapsychology, dowsing falls under the heading of Radiesthesia; the paranormal ability to detect the radiation signature of people, (the human aura) and other items. It is believed that all things have their own radiation “signature.” Those who practice the art of dowsing use their tools, whether it be the dowsing rods or the pendulum to hone in on the vibrations of those radiations. It is also believed that when dowsing we are able to tap into our own subconscious and the vibrations all around us to find the answers to questions we could not possibly know otherwise.
So how do we start with pendulum dowsing? Well, the first thing you need to do is to purchase a pendulum that is right for you, or you can simply make one. A pendulum is simply a weight hanging from the end of a string of sorts. It can be as simple as a ring tied to the end of a thread, or as fancy as a carved gemstone hanging from a chain. My personal pendulum is made of Tiger Eye and hangs from a sterling silver chain which I wear around my neck. When I first started dowsing, I always used a ring or a steal nut tied to the end of a thread, and I would recommend that beginners do this first to see if they enjoy using a pendulum before they invest in a fancier model. Just find a weight that is to your pleasing... tie it to the end of a thread or string and give it a whirl.
You may want to begin by cleansing your pendulum, and I would highly recommend you do so. There are many techniques used in the cleansing of a pendulum. Mine is very simple... although many may find it strange, I treat my pendulum like a close friend. Sometimes I hang it in the window at night so it can enjoy the light of the moon... or, during the day so it can “sun bathe.” Routinely, I will rinse it in cool tap water while I visualize a white light flowing through the water, rinsing my pendulum of any negative energies.
When it's time to dowse, you need to ground yourself. To do this, I spend a moment picturing a white light coming towards me. I picture the light entering the top of my head and flooding my body with it's energies. I picture the white light leaving through my feet, and as I do so I tell my spirit guide that my intention is to receive honest answers to my questions for the good of all concerned. I then ask if I am ready to proceed. If the answer is yes, I begin. If it is no, or I don't know... I will usually light a sprig of sage and run my pendulum through the smoke a few times. If necessary, I will meditate... the goal is to be as relaxed and free of stress as possible.
Holding your pendulum can be done in a few different ways. Many Dowsers simply hold their pendulum between their thumb and index finger, allowing it to hang down a few inches. I prefer to hold mine with the pendulum hanging down about 5-6” with the chain looped once around my index finger and the rest of the chain contained within my hand. Some dowsers prefer to let the pendulum hang down only 1/2” to 3 inches, others like to let it hang a lot lower... just do what is comfortable for you. The following two pictures should help you see what I'm talking about. The first photo shows you a basic way of holding it, and the second is the technique that I use.
If it is your first time using a pendulum, you need to begin by asking your pendulum to show you what its movements mean. Some call this “programming” your pendulum, although I personally feel it is best to let the pendulum show you what the answers look like as apposed to you trying to tell it what to do. Begin by asking your pendulum what a yes answer will look like. If it doesn't begin swinging on it's own, give it a gentle rock and then wait a few moments for the answer to reveal itself. My yes is a counterclockwise rotation. Next, ask what a no answer looks like. For me, a no answer is revealed by a straight back and forth rocking motion. Finally ask what it looks like if the answer is I don't know, or if I'm not meant to know. For myself, this is indicated by a clockwise rotation of the pendulum. Do this as many times as necessary to be sure you know what your answers look like.
For general dowsing, you may want to start off with a few questions that you know the answers to. Also, be sure to only ask questions that can be answered with a yes or no. For example, you may ask something like, “is my name Tim?” or “am I 45 years old?”. Of course, it may work better for you if you insert your own name and age at least once to see if you get your proper yes response. Once you've done this and all is working well, you can move on to more difficult questions. Like anything else, time and practice will improve your responses, and in time your pendulum will amaze you with it's insight and accuracy.
Map dowsing is used to locate everything from water to treasures. When learning to map dowse, start off by hiding something in a room of your house. Then draw a basic map of the room, indicating the basic furniture, etc. Divide the map into a grid and ask your pendulum to show you where the item is hidden. Slowly move your pendulum across the grid, first side to side and then up and down. You should notice that at some point on your map, your pendulum moves differently then it did before. Done slowly and meticulously, this should mark the spot in which you will find your item. Another way is to simply hold your pendulum over each section of the grid and ask it if this is the spot the item is hidden. After you have achieved good results with this technique, try asking someone else to hide the item in the room and try again. Soon you will be ready to move on to real treasures! If you do find a lost city of gold, just don't forget about your old friend Tim here in Oklahoma! Wink wink!
Chart dowsing is yet another version of pendulum dowsing. By using a chart with your pendulum, you can quickly hone in on names, dates, ages, etc. Before beginning your questioning, be sure to ask your spirit guide to join you. Ask if he/she can read & write in your language, and if he/she is willing to use the chart to communicate with you. Assuming the answers come back as a yes, simply hold your pendulum over the bottom center of the chart and ask your questions. The movement of your pendulum will dictate the answers. Have a pad of paper and a pen available and once a letter or number has revealed itself, be sure to write it down. Some answers can be long and you don't want to lose your progress. I've designed a chart for my own use, and you are more then welcome to download, print and use it yourself. Just click the image below for the larger size, then right-click and save the image to get a copy of it for your own use. All I ask is that you give me credit for my work if you decide to post the image anywhere.
Another thing you may consider is to never let anyone else handle your pendulum. If someone touches it, don't freak out and feel you need to burn it at the stake while begging forgiveness from above. It will be fine... just cleanse it again the next chance you get. It is possible that it could absorb the negative energies carried by that individual and you'll want to get rid of them as soon as you can.
Okay, that's it. Just remember to relax and have fun with it. I truly hope you enjoy using a pendulum as much as I do. Take care and happy dowsing!
by Tim Doyon, Paranormal Investigator & Certified Parapsychologist
Follow Tim on myspace at:
My introduction to the use of a pendulum came to me a bit differently then most. It was when I was very young and just beginning my journey into the art of magic - not magic in the witchcraft sense, but magic and illusion. As a child, every birthday or Christmas would bring me a new magic set and believe me, I tried to perform nearly every trick ever described. I read every book I could find about Houdini, Harry Blackstone, Mark Wilson, Bill Bixby and countless other magicians of that era. Somewhere in one of those books, I found a description of a magic trick involving the use of a pendulum. It said to tie a ring onto a thread and while holding it as a hypnotist would, think of a man. The ring would swing back and forth. Think of a woman and it would swing in a circular motion. I tried it... and it worked. To this day, it is the only magic trick I know... in which I do not know the secret. All I know is that it works, and I have done the trick many many times over the years and it has always done exactly as I expected it would. I don't even have to hold the thread. I can hand it to my spectator and ask them to think of a man or a woman, and I can tell them which of the two they are thinking simply by watching the motion of the string.
As I became interested in the paranormal and started my studies in Parapsychology, I found that dowsing could be used for a lot more then just the Male/Female trick. I learned that there was a history to the use of pendulums that was long and vast. Stories of Dowsers finding everything from water to people date all the way back to the era of the ancient Egyptians, and possibly even as far back as the Biblical days where it is written that Aaron had produced water from stone. In Parapsychology, dowsing falls under the heading of Radiesthesia; the paranormal ability to detect the radiation signature of people, (the human aura) and other items. It is believed that all things have their own radiation “signature.” Those who practice the art of dowsing use their tools, whether it be the dowsing rods or the pendulum to hone in on the vibrations of those radiations. It is also believed that when dowsing we are able to tap into our own subconscious and the vibrations all around us to find the answers to questions we could not possibly know otherwise.
So how do we start with pendulum dowsing? Well, the first thing you need to do is to purchase a pendulum that is right for you, or you can simply make one. A pendulum is simply a weight hanging from the end of a string of sorts. It can be as simple as a ring tied to the end of a thread, or as fancy as a carved gemstone hanging from a chain. My personal pendulum is made of Tiger Eye and hangs from a sterling silver chain which I wear around my neck. When I first started dowsing, I always used a ring or a steal nut tied to the end of a thread, and I would recommend that beginners do this first to see if they enjoy using a pendulum before they invest in a fancier model. Just find a weight that is to your pleasing... tie it to the end of a thread or string and give it a whirl.
You may want to begin by cleansing your pendulum, and I would highly recommend you do so. There are many techniques used in the cleansing of a pendulum. Mine is very simple... although many may find it strange, I treat my pendulum like a close friend. Sometimes I hang it in the window at night so it can enjoy the light of the moon... or, during the day so it can “sun bathe.” Routinely, I will rinse it in cool tap water while I visualize a white light flowing through the water, rinsing my pendulum of any negative energies.
When it's time to dowse, you need to ground yourself. To do this, I spend a moment picturing a white light coming towards me. I picture the light entering the top of my head and flooding my body with it's energies. I picture the white light leaving through my feet, and as I do so I tell my spirit guide that my intention is to receive honest answers to my questions for the good of all concerned. I then ask if I am ready to proceed. If the answer is yes, I begin. If it is no, or I don't know... I will usually light a sprig of sage and run my pendulum through the smoke a few times. If necessary, I will meditate... the goal is to be as relaxed and free of stress as possible.
Holding your pendulum can be done in a few different ways. Many Dowsers simply hold their pendulum between their thumb and index finger, allowing it to hang down a few inches. I prefer to hold mine with the pendulum hanging down about 5-6” with the chain looped once around my index finger and the rest of the chain contained within my hand. Some dowsers prefer to let the pendulum hang down only 1/2” to 3 inches, others like to let it hang a lot lower... just do what is comfortable for you. The following two pictures should help you see what I'm talking about. The first photo shows you a basic way of holding it, and the second is the technique that I use.
If it is your first time using a pendulum, you need to begin by asking your pendulum to show you what its movements mean. Some call this “programming” your pendulum, although I personally feel it is best to let the pendulum show you what the answers look like as apposed to you trying to tell it what to do. Begin by asking your pendulum what a yes answer will look like. If it doesn't begin swinging on it's own, give it a gentle rock and then wait a few moments for the answer to reveal itself. My yes is a counterclockwise rotation. Next, ask what a no answer looks like. For me, a no answer is revealed by a straight back and forth rocking motion. Finally ask what it looks like if the answer is I don't know, or if I'm not meant to know. For myself, this is indicated by a clockwise rotation of the pendulum. Do this as many times as necessary to be sure you know what your answers look like.
For general dowsing, you may want to start off with a few questions that you know the answers to. Also, be sure to only ask questions that can be answered with a yes or no. For example, you may ask something like, “is my name Tim?” or “am I 45 years old?”. Of course, it may work better for you if you insert your own name and age at least once to see if you get your proper yes response. Once you've done this and all is working well, you can move on to more difficult questions. Like anything else, time and practice will improve your responses, and in time your pendulum will amaze you with it's insight and accuracy.
Map dowsing is used to locate everything from water to treasures. When learning to map dowse, start off by hiding something in a room of your house. Then draw a basic map of the room, indicating the basic furniture, etc. Divide the map into a grid and ask your pendulum to show you where the item is hidden. Slowly move your pendulum across the grid, first side to side and then up and down. You should notice that at some point on your map, your pendulum moves differently then it did before. Done slowly and meticulously, this should mark the spot in which you will find your item. Another way is to simply hold your pendulum over each section of the grid and ask it if this is the spot the item is hidden. After you have achieved good results with this technique, try asking someone else to hide the item in the room and try again. Soon you will be ready to move on to real treasures! If you do find a lost city of gold, just don't forget about your old friend Tim here in Oklahoma! Wink wink!
Chart dowsing is yet another version of pendulum dowsing. By using a chart with your pendulum, you can quickly hone in on names, dates, ages, etc. Before beginning your questioning, be sure to ask your spirit guide to join you. Ask if he/she can read & write in your language, and if he/she is willing to use the chart to communicate with you. Assuming the answers come back as a yes, simply hold your pendulum over the bottom center of the chart and ask your questions. The movement of your pendulum will dictate the answers. Have a pad of paper and a pen available and once a letter or number has revealed itself, be sure to write it down. Some answers can be long and you don't want to lose your progress. I've designed a chart for my own use, and you are more then welcome to download, print and use it yourself. Just click the image below for the larger size, then right-click and save the image to get a copy of it for your own use. All I ask is that you give me credit for my work if you decide to post the image anywhere.
Another thing you may consider is to never let anyone else handle your pendulum. If someone touches it, don't freak out and feel you need to burn it at the stake while begging forgiveness from above. It will be fine... just cleanse it again the next chance you get. It is possible that it could absorb the negative energies carried by that individual and you'll want to get rid of them as soon as you can.
Okay, that's it. Just remember to relax and have fun with it. I truly hope you enjoy using a pendulum as much as I do. Take care and happy dowsing!
by Tim Doyon, Paranormal Investigator & Certified Parapsychologist
Follow Tim on myspace at:
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